Dita e Shkencës së Hapur në Shqipëri

Fundi i vitit 2022, RASH dhe AKKSHI organizuan në Tiranë Ditën e Shkencës së Hapur, duke u takuar me aktorë nga Universitete, Institucione Kërkimore, Ministria e Arsimit dhe agjenci e institute të tjera përgjegjëse për kërkimin dhe inovacionet nën ombrellën e ministrive të ndryshme.

ORDM – Train the trainers event, 5-6 May

This event is part of the successful series of NI4OS-Europe Train-the-Trainer events which have the aim of providing NI4OS-Europe partners with the necessary training skills and means to diffuse in their countries information and knowledge related to various aspects of EOSC and Open Science.

All details of the e- IRG- workshop, 25-26 May

We already posted some details about the e-IRG workshop but as we are getting closer to the event date more and more information surfaces in relation to it. This year’s e-IRG workshop will be a series of 3 webinars organized within the framework of Croatia’s Presidency of the Council of the European Union by the e-IRG secretariat and the University of Zagreb, the University Computing Centre (SRCE) with the support of the Croatian Ministry of Science and Education.