Moving one step closer to the European Open Science Cloud
POSTED ON Feb. 22, 2021

NI4OS-Europe is bringing scientific communities one step closer to their inclusion into the European Open Science Cloud – EOSC, with the on-boarding of 2 repositories, 6 thematic, 4 generic and 7 core services to its service catalogue. The on-boarded resources have been previously used in the production, thus they all have a high technology readiness level. Populating the EOSC portfolio with services originating from the NI4OS-Europe region, enhances the work of scientists working in any scientific field of research, for producing and curating scientific results within the platform of the EOSC.
Within NI4OS-Europe, the resources have been equipped with clearly defined terms of use, access and privacy policies, and user manuals. They have been integrated into the NI4OS-Europe pre-production environment, which ensures high availability of resources via a monitoring system and high-quality support via a helpdesk system.
Browse NI4OS-Europe catalogue and discover all the on-boarded resources:
Today NI4OS-Europe catalogue lists 41 registered resources in total, out of which 19 are on-boarded. Additional 5 repositories, 7 thematic and 10 generic services are marked as candidates within the catalogue and soon they will be fully on-boarded. All the resources are of great scientific importance since they are acknowledged as relevant and proposed by the scientific communities of the NI4OS-Europe region. NI4OS-Europe catalogue will be expanding with new candidate resources: today, 97 resource descriptions have been already identified, specifically 27 generic services, 38 thematic services and 32 repositories. As numbers increase over time, NI4OS-Europe priority is to identify and select the resources with the highest relevance and added value to its communities, thus addressing the needs of a potentially large customer base, to be integrated into the EOSC.