* Pending EC approval

Deliverable D1.14 Data Management Plan

Data Management Plan outlines how data will be handled during and after the project, describes what data will be collected, processed or generated and following what methodology and standards, how these data will be shared and/or made open, and how they will be curated and preserved.

Deliverable D2.1 Stakeholder map, inventory, policy matrix

The Stakeholder map, inventory and policy matrix is a landscaping study implemented by NI4OS-Europe, which provides insights on the existing Open Science initiatives, infrastructures, services, policies, stakeholders and topics in NI4OS-Europe partner countries. The description of the methodology, designing and implementation of the survey is accompanied with an initial mapping and a preliminary inventory of infrastructures and services and a policy matrix.

Deliverable D2.2 – National OSC initiatives models

National OSC initiatives models" - examines existing Open Science policies and models in Europe, describes the elements an Open Science Cloud model should include, and proposes workflows for setting up National Open Science Cloud Initiatives, whose aim is to become important contributors to the EOSC governance.

Deliverable D3.1 Best practices for on-boarding and related policies

Best practices for on-boarding and related policies, outlines Rules of Participation as they evolve within the EOSC bodies that are defining them and describes best practices and procedures for on-boarding of the providers using the NI4OS-Europe on-boarding process. It specifically focuses on organizational and technical conditions for service providers to offer services through the EOSC portal.

Deliverable D4.2 Data repository integration and ORDM/FAIR compliance guidelines

This document delivers the results of the analysis of guidelines for open science – more specifically, a description of the approach to ORDM and FAIR for 15 NI4OS-Europe partner countries, by observing the relevant existing guidelines on data repository integration, ORDM and FAIR on the global level. The applied methodology for selection, adoption and promotion of relevant guidelines is also described.

Deliverable D5.1 Provider landscape analysis and provider categorization

Provider landscape analysis and provider categorization – presents the collection of detailed information about resource providers – generic computing services, generic data storage services and generic data management services, thematic (discipline-specific) services, and repositories (publication repositories, datasets repositories, software repositories). The information collected contains technical, operational and support information about the candidate services.

Deliverable 5.2 First report on provider and repository integration

First report on provider and repository integration - presents the current resource and provider on-boarding status. The deliverable gives details on the on-boarding procedure and reports fully and partially integrated repositories, thematic and generic services, as well as services from the pre-production environment.

Deliverable D6.3 User Communities’ test-cases

The deliverable provides a detailed description of cross-border test-cases including research groups involved and their mapping to generic, thematic and repository services which will be tested. It describes cross-border use cases for the target scientific areas of Life Science, Climate Science and Digital Cultural Heritage as well as for the area of Computational Physics.

Deliverable D7.2 Marketing, dissemination and sustainability plan

Marketing, dissemination and sustainability plan presents a comprehensive plan on how to implement a wide-ranging marketing, communication and exploitation strategy aiming at the promotion of the project and its services to all relevant stakeholders. It includes plans and guidelines on how to foster and exploit innovations and to achieve sustainability, based on the overall project strategy and objectives, as well as the expected project results.