The importance of building National Initiatives for Open Science
POSTED ON Feb. 22, 2021

The NI4OS-Europe project is a committed supporter of the EOSC service portfolio, therefore the project’s main goal is to enable global Open Science on a European level. It is no doubt important to secure the organizational framework on the national level to ensure the sustainability of this forerunner initiative for Europe.
Building National Open Science Cloud Initiatives (NOSCIs) not only covers the sustainability of EOSC but it has a significant role in research, organization and sustainability.
The definition of a National Open Science Cloud Initiative
“A NOSCI is envisaged as a coalition of national organizations that have a prominent role and interest in the Europe Open Science Cloud (EOSC). The main aim of NOSCI will be the promotion of synergies at national level, and the optimization/articulation of their participation to European and global challenges in this field of OSC, including the EOSC. National initiatives are envisaged to play a prominent role in Member States and Associated Countries and facilitate EOSC governance.”
WP2 is responsible for managing the process of building National Open Science Cloud Initiatives. They prepare the process of setting up NOSCIs in three crucial steps:
Preparation with the NI4OS-Europe partners
Developing tools for the establishment of NOSCIs, guiding operations
Providing professional support for NI4OS-Europe partners during all stages of the process
WP2 also hosted a webinar on the topic at the end of January. During the online event they informed NI4OS-Europe partners how they should rely on the tools available, they showed some great examples from the interviews and how NOSCIs can contribute to strengthen the links with the EOSC ecosystem. The webinar kicked off the implementation actions towards building National Open Science Cloud Initiatives.
WP2 encourages all colleagues outside of the NI4OS-Europe project to do their best and start building NOSCIs and ask for consultation if necessary.
Read more: NI4OS-Europe – Building National Initiatives for Open Science to support EOSC Association